Nothing new under the sun
"What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun."
Ecclesiastes 1:9
I love this verse! It's such a good reminder that no matter what I do, think or say ... I'm not the first or the last. I may not always be the best wife, friend or mom, but others have gone before me and made the same mistakes I have and will make. I may have great success and find joy in my circumstances, but I'm not the first. It's a comfort to me that I'm not alone. Someone, somewhere can relate to exactly what I'm going through, whatever it may be. Naturally, it doesn't excuse my mistakes or give me any "rights", but it keeps me vulnerable. Why not? I have nothing to lose. Not everyone will relate to my pain or mistakes, but someone will. I am never alone in my joy or in my pain! And the more vulnerable I am, the more I am made aware of just that!
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun."
Ecclesiastes 1:9
I love this verse! It's such a good reminder that no matter what I do, think or say ... I'm not the first or the last. I may not always be the best wife, friend or mom, but others have gone before me and made the same mistakes I have and will make. I may have great success and find joy in my circumstances, but I'm not the first. It's a comfort to me that I'm not alone. Someone, somewhere can relate to exactly what I'm going through, whatever it may be. Naturally, it doesn't excuse my mistakes or give me any "rights", but it keeps me vulnerable. Why not? I have nothing to lose. Not everyone will relate to my pain or mistakes, but someone will. I am never alone in my joy or in my pain! And the more vulnerable I am, the more I am made aware of just that!
Oh good, I get to leave the first comment. I have been checking to see when you got the blog up and running. So fun. Very therapeutic. And you are not alone. Great verse for such a time as this.
oh fun, now we can chat and share our thoughts. I look forward to learing from you! =) Lisa
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