Monday, October 02, 2006

TNIV - If I may get on my soap box...

"I love the Scriptures and I know them to be the very words of God to His creation. Like most evangelical Christians, I want my Bible to contain an accurate translation of the canonical Hebrew and Greek texts. Accordingly, I will continue to speak out against any effort that alters God's Word or toys with translation methodology for the sake of 'political correctness.'" James Dobson

I have been thinking and reading about the TNIV recently. We have visited a church a couple of times that we enjoy. We like the pastor (although very young - and a recent graduate from seminary) and the people we have met.

HOWEVER, he is using the TNIV as his translation of choice. Until now, I have only read about the TNIV and the controversy over it. I have yet to meet someone who is endorsing it by using it. This really bothers me. I am finally seeing this text being used and I am not in support of taking liberty with God's Word in the name of being PC. Most people in the congregation probably don't know the difference. They probably don't even know what the TNIV is, or it's history. Isn't that just the way satan works ... ever so subtle, preying on the least suspecting???

If you don't know much about the TNIV, take a look at and and google Wayne Grudem, he has a host of materials on this topic.


Blogger R. Mansfield said...

I am also one who finds the TNIV to be a very accurate reflection of the Greek and Hebrew texts.

But it has also been the target of a heavy-handed campaign to discredit it, and much of the information stated about it is simply not true.

I wonder if you happen to have a copy of it yourself? Also, what specifically do you (not Dobson or any of the others--Dobson has admitted he's not an expert in such things) object to in the TNIV?

6:03 AM  
Blogger R. Mansfield said...

Also, I'd invite you to read my TNIV review.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Lisa Stucky said...

Give me some time to think through my answer and time to read your review. I'll get back to you on this.

4:50 PM  
Blogger R. Mansfield said...

Thanks, Lisa. I'll look forwar to your response. In the meantime, you might also be interested in Wayne Leman's post, Complementarian TNIV

10:31 PM  
Blogger Wayne Leman said...

Give me some time to think through my answer and time to read your review. I'll get back to you on this.

Looking forward to your response, Lisa. I've got no desire to argue about the TNIV. But, like you, I also am uncomfortable when the truth is not being told about something.

I commend your pastor friend for using the TNIV. It is more accurate than the NIV. It corrects some mistranslations in the NIV, such as translating the Greek word tis with the English word "man." It doesn't mean "man" at all. It means "anyone" and the two versions which follow the CSG in translation accurately translate it as "anyone."

The bottom line is whether or not we are using a Bible translation which is accurate. That's the most important issue for Bible translation. I know, since I've been translating the Bible as a missionary for 30 years. It's a awesome task, one on which we have to be fully dependent on God to help us translate accurately

11:44 AM  

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