Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Control - a personal issue

Steve and I went to a "Parenting with love and logic" conference in February. Foster Cline was the key note speaker. He was a funny guy and quite interesting to listen to. He had great stories and had me in stitches. But he's not a type-A like myself, so it was hard for me to take notes. I have since decided to get his book from the library.

Went to Starbucks this afternoon with intentions to work on my Bible study and read some of Francis Schaeffers works. I never made it that far, as I got sucked into Foster's book. I am challenged by his book and truly convicted in my parenting style (or lack thereof).

He spoke on the issue of control - an issue with which I myself struggle. Control freak? Who me?? I'd rather call it perfectionism. BUT no, it's a control issue. I like to have everything in place, in it's proper order. Since having kids... nothing seems to be in it's place, ever! Learning to let go of control - whether it's the mess in my house or my ability to control my kids and what they do or don't do - is a steep learning curve. One I have to embrace - or I'm liable to put myself in a psyche ward! =) Learning to let go of controling everything that my kids do and everything that happens to them isn't easy. But letting their mistakes be opportunities for them to learn is just what I need to do. I truly need to lay this issue at the feet of Jesus. Pray for me!


Blogger jody said...

that is one of my favorite parenting books as well...very practical and challenging. You are not alone...

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like I need to read this one. Maybe our library will have it. (side note: I love the library! Ours doesn't even charge late fees on kids books and there is a 5 day grace period on other books. So nice!)

10:42 AM  
Blogger Lisa Stucky said...

I just ordered this book on amazon. I have it from the library, but have enjoyed it so much, I want it on my book shelf for future reference!

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, Lisa! I still haven't figured out how to be content in a mess. I never realized what a control freak I was until children. But when I release control, everything falls apart. Ahh, to find a balance!!

4:08 PM  

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