Friday, April 07, 2006

15 years and still counting...

As I have been preparing for Passover ... I've been reminiscing about the different ones I have attended. My most memorable Passover, by far, was in Jerusalem, Israel in 1991. I was on staff with "Bridges for Peace" and was living in Israel for 4 months. Then I realized that I have been a missionary for 15 years now!!! It was shortly after my time in Israel that I joined YWAM and served with them for 6 years. We have now been on staff with CCC for 6 years. I took a year off for school and a year off our first year of marriage. All told, that's 15 years.

I never would have thought this would be so - but I still remember the night that God called me to be a missionary. I was Spring of 1989 at a Sunday evening service at our church in Arvada. A missionary team was speaking and gave a challenge for all to consider giving our lives to full-time service for God. They played Steve Curtis Chapman's song, For the Sake of the Call. I wasn't living the most "christian life" at the time, but felt truly convicted. The emotions were high and soon, I was drowning in my tears and walking down to the front - as a proclamation that I would indeed commit my life to be a missionary. That summer, I went on my first missions trip to Mexico. Two years later, I was on a plane bound for Israel. Prior to this, I was on an "International dance team" which performed Israeli dances and traveled to California and Israel to reach out to the Jewish people.

It's been a journey - and a rich one. It's fun sharing this with Steve now and our kids. I hope I live to do this for another 15 years ... followed by another 15 years, should I live that long. We may not always be with CCC, or maybe we will. Either way, I hope I die living the life of a missionary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love being able to look back at some of those kinds of milestones. It's like in Hinds Feet on High places when she picks up little stones from along the way to remind her where she'd been. Thank you for your faithful walk over the years. I love to hear how God is at work in your life and how deep and rich your faith is.

9:23 PM  

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