Saturday, April 08, 2006

Heavy heart

Can I just say ... it's no fun when someone doesn't like you (I mean me). This has been a really difficult thing for me, especially b/c I don't even know this girl, as we've only met on 5 or 6 occasions. However, we had a conflict over a spiritual discipline issue - and not just she and I, as it was a group discussion. It just so happened that she and I held opposing views.

What grieves me the most is that she has talked about me behind my back to the other ladies in our group. And worse yet, she never had the courage to confront me to my face ... I had to call her to talk it through. We continue to meet as a group but when she is in the room, I just shut down. I fear opening my mouth b/c of what happened last time.

What is it with us women? Steve and I have talked at length about this and he just scratches his head, as he doesn't understand how all this even happened. Guys relate so much differently with each other than we women do.

I feel like I've stepped back into highschool ... the games ... wondering who likes me and who doesn't ... or who's talking about me behind my back and what they might be saying. Aren't we adults???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey My Friend,
Since when has discipleship been easy. Disagreements are bound to happen and this sounds to me like a great teachable moment with regard to communication, leadership and being in right relationship with others. Not necessarily easy, but a great opportunity. Try not to look at it as if it is about you, but about you investing in someone elses life. I know that this is hard, but it is a valuable opportunity for you both. Pray for a tender heart and pure motives and I believe you'll see a return on your endeavor. If not, then there may be deeper issues at hand, but again another teachable momment... What is God up to in this? for your life? for her life? Being liked by all is an impossibility. So, don't be intimidated. I'll be praying... Lyla

4:28 PM  

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