Thursday, August 24, 2006

Rental house hunting

Today was mostly fun ... driving all over Kalispell and Whitefish looking for a place to live. We were "driving by" potential rental properties. Most of them were just that - "drive by's" - not many we wanted to see inside. I don't like the idea of signing a 12-month lease, although Steve seems to be ok with it. I'd rather find another home to buy in which we (Steve) could finish another basement.

We have truly become homeless! I think that instead of finding a place to live ... we'll just move around the valley. We can stay here in Big Fork for awhile, then move across the lake to Lakeside and stay with friends over there for awhile ... then maybe stay with someone in Kalispell for awhile. Who says we need a house anyhow?!?! Why not just be moochers / drifters for the winter? It'd save us alot of money anyhow. (Please don't think for a minute that I'm even half way serious!)

So stay tuned ... we're bound to figure something out sooner or later. Meanwhile, we're making some fun memories!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great attitude! Are you really as non-stressed as you sound?

5:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so missing talking to you! I'm glad you made it there safely. Are you in cell phone range most of the time now? Maybe we should just start a good ol' fashioned game of phone tag. Happy hunting!

8:04 PM  
Blogger Lisa Stucky said...

I'm really not feeling too stressed. I've enjoyed this process.

And yes, Julie, we have a full signal on our cell phones. Phone tag is on!

8:22 PM  

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