Saturday, March 11, 2006

A weekend without Steve

Why is it that when Steve goes away, it seems that parenting is more than twice the work? Even more than five times the work? I decided to spend the day with my sister - just to make Steve's absence more bearable. So, while I'm packing up, I put the kiddos in the living room to play. I return to find Landon in his bedroom, having opened his diaper drawer... and thoroughly enjoyed himself throwing every diaper all over the room - an entire package (50+)! Shiloh decided it would be fun to take off her shoes, socks, pants AND diaper! She is thrilled with herself that she now knows how to take off her clothes. She hasn't attempted to learn how to put them on, I might add. I typically might have laughed, but today I just didn't find any of it funny. Afterall, we were already 45 minutes late. It always seems to work that way, doesn't it? I let my frustration get the better of me. And I am yet again faced with my control issue - wanting everything to go just right and run smoothly. I'm kidding myself. I've only been a mom for 2 1/2 years now, but I should know this. Yet I continue to set myself up for frustration and disappointment when I expect things to go smoothly. Thankfully, I am encouraged, as I know, "there is nothing new under the sun" - and you moms reading this are probably smiling b/c you can relate! I'd love to hear your stories!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, there was the time that I put Rebekah down for a nap (she was 2). When I went in later to get her up, I realized she had emptied an entire bottle of baby powder onto herself. The entire bedroom was a big white cloud of dust. She had undressed down to her diaper and was sitting on the bed patting her tummy, and laughing because that caused more white dust to fly. I didn't laugh that day, but I did take pictures and so I can get a big laugh out of it now!

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, by the way, I know how you feel with hubby gone. Things are always 10 times as hard!! It will get better as the kids get bigger. I still miss David TERRIBLY when he travels, but the parenting part is much easier to do alone than it used to be.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know we just talked about all this but, you are right, I was still chuckling. I do it to myself so often. I rush things right to the last minute and expect that things will take exactly the amount of time I planned. I am usually unrealistically optimistic anyway and then I never take into account a mess, having to go to the bathroom, discipline, losing things, etc. I'm farther in than you are and I still forget all the time. Maybe I'm getting a little better at owning the problem so maybe it's a first step. I sure hope so.

8:25 PM  
Blogger Lisa Stucky said...

Oh, Laura - your comment made me smile! .. or really laugh out loud! THey sure know how to make a huge mess, don't they?

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I feel your stress!!! It seems like planning has taken on a whole new dimension. I never make appointments for early than 9:30 a.m. knowing that getting both of us ready to go out the door takes 3 times as long as getting just me out the door. I push the envelope on time so often and it always comes back to bite me - when will I learn!?!?
Why is it too that when Steve is gone a lot that I feel like I'm Matthew's second choice. He asks for Daddy every morning, but no, it's just Mom. Bummer!

8:52 PM  

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